Screening, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting


All of the screening tests that are used to evaluate the athlete’s fitness are described below.  The dates on which the screening process takes place can be seen on the Annual Periodisation Table.

Incremental squash-specific test – Girard, Sciberras, Habrard, Hot, Chevalier & Millet (2005) and Wilkinson, Leedale-Brown & Winter (2009)
Upon hearing a signal, the athlete is required to move to that court position from the central T position. When landing at that point, the athlete must place one foot on the marked target, mimic a forceful shot down the nearest side wall of the court and then return to the central T position ready for the next audio signal. The athlete is required to keep in pace with the audio signals. No specific or technical instructions are given about stroke technique or movement, however, care should be taken to make sure one foot is placed on the target and forceful shot is mimicked. Stage 1 comprises of 14 movements in a 1 minute time frame. Subsequent movements per stage increase continuously thereafter.

This test was found to be more specific to the sport when compared to a treadmill incremental test as high Vo2max values were found in both studies. 

Figure 1. Diagram of the incremental squash-specific test setup (Wilkinson et al., 2009).

Fatigue Index test – Boddington, Lambert, Gibson & Noakes (2001) and Eston & Reilly (2008)
Six cones are placed 5m apart in a straight line, totalling a distance of 25m. Starting at cone A, upon hearing an audio signal, the athlete must sprint 5m to cone B, touch the ground with their hand and then return to cone A. They then sprint 10m to cone C, touch the ground and then return to cone A. This continues for cones D to F. Once the course is completed the time is logged. The athlete is then given a 35s active recovery. This is repeated a further 5 times.
Figure 2. Diagram of the fatigue index test setup.

Fatigue index is then calculated using the following calculation:
Figure 3. Equation for the fatigue index test score (Boddington et al., 2001). 

This test enables a rapid evaluation of an athlete's anaerobic recovery during a training session. Once a baseline has been established, the test can be repeated throughout the season to monitor improvements. 

Reactive Speed Test - Sheppard, Young, Doyle, Sheppard & Newton, (2006)
The athlete begins on a marked line as illustrated below. Timing gates are positioned 5m to the left and right, 2m forward from the start line. The tester is positioned opposite to the starting line on a timing mat, integrated with time gates. The system is set up so that when the tester steps off the mat, an audible beep is emitted, activating the time gates. To begin the test, the examiner initiates a movement that the athlete must react to, by running through one of the designated gates.

This test has been suggested to be more appropriate for athletes than a standard zig-zag test due to the addition of a stimulus; providing a more sports specific scenario.

Figure 4. Diagram of the reactive speed test setup (Sheppard et al., 2006). 

McGill’s trunk muscular endurance tests – Okada, Huxel & Nesser, (2011)
The flexor endurance test involves positioning the athlete on a bed with the back rest raised to 60 degrees. The support is then removed and the athlete is required to maintain a fixed position.
During the extensor endurance test, the athlete is positioned on a bed with the torso unsupported. The tester must apply weight to the lower extremities to ensure the core is being stressed throughout.
The lateral musculature test involves entering a side plank position and maintaining this posture for as long as possible. The athlete must ensure their hips do not drop towards the floor and their arm is kept in a rigid position.
For all three tests, the time taken to fatigue is recorded as the score value and a combined time is recorded.
The combination of these tests stresses the different aspects of the core. This will show any weaknesses or imbalances the athlete possesses.

Figure 5. McGill's trunk muscular endurance test (Okada et al., 2011). A: Flexor endurance test. B: Extensor endurance test. C: Lateral musculature test.  


Choice of RM testing
A 10RM test setup was used to gain a baseline strength value for each exercise. These were then repeated at various points throughout the season to evaluate the athlete’s progression.  This choice of test was considered to be optimal due to the repetitive power production (Meyer et al., 2007) necessary to perform successfully in squash.

Five 10RM testing exercises
  • ·         Bulgarian split squat
  • ·         Deadlift
  • ·         Front squat
  • ·         Shoulder press
  • ·         Standing cable wood chop

Other Relevant Tests

Functional Movement Screen -  Butler, Plisky, Southers, Scoma & Kiesel, (2010)
The functional movement screen (FMS) is a tool used to assess global patterns of movement. The assessment incorporates 7 functional movements; these include the deep squat, hurdle step, active leg raise, in-line lunge, shoulder mobility, stability push-up and rotatory ability. Each movement is scored between 0-3, based on clinical scoring criteria. Low scores on FMS have shown to correlate with injury (Kiesel, Plisky & Voight, 2007). This demonstrates the importance of screening and the need to implement specific intervention programs that target the athlete’s weaknesses.

Figure 6. The 7 functional movement screen exercises (Butler et al., 2010). 

Hand Grip Strength – Chang, Chou, Lin, Lin & Wang (2010)
The athlete is required to maximally grip a hand-held dynamometer for 5 seconds, reproducing the racquet grip position. A value in kilograms is then given for this performance and logged. 

Squash requires the use of flexor musculature of the forearm and hands at a high level of activation. A deficiency in grip strength can lead to injury, such as lateral or medial epicondylosis. Therefore, monitoring is essential throughout the season to ensure no problems are encountered. 


It is crucial to monitor the athlete throughout their season to ensure that progress is being achieved and there is no increased risk of injury. This will allow the athlete to see their progression during the course of the season and identify any areas or weaknesses that need to be focused on.


With regards to the goals set at the beginning of the training programme, we feel you have made outstanding improvements, both physically and psychologically. Through the use of testing, it is apparent that steady progress is being made (Tables 1 and 2).

The incremental test improvements indicate that your VO2Max has increased, allowing a greater aerobic endurance during matches. The fatigue index scores have also shown progress, meaning your ability to recover from lactic acid build up is more efficient. The reactive speed test scores suggest that you have yet to make an adequate improvement regarding your straight line speed. This may be due to the lack of development in fast-twitch muscle fibres. The hand grip strength test has also shown similar results between testing sessions, suggesting this should be addressed. There has been a positive improvement with the McGill’s trunk muscular endurance tests, indicating the progressive core stability exercises have increased the core musculature, enabling successful stabilisation of the spine during functional movements. The 10RM tests have shown a substantial increase in overall upper and lower limb strength. We are satisfied that the prescribed exercises can now be progressed in terms of load and repetitions as a means of continuing physiological development. 

Beginning of Off-season
3 Months later
Incremental squash-specific test
34 secs
32 secs
Fatigue index test
Reactive speed test
1.9 secs
1.86 secs
Trunk muscular endurance test
160 secs
300 secs
Functional Movement Screen
16 points
18 points
Hand grip strength

Table 1. The athlete's scores for the screening and functional movement tests at the beginning of the season and after the first follow-up screening and evaluation date. 

Beginning of Off-season
3 Months later
Bulgarian split squat
Front squat
Shoulder press
Standing cable wood chop

Table 2. The athlete's scores for the 5 10RM strength tests at the beginning of the season and after the first follow-up screening and evaluation date. 

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